Our Constitution and Bylaws

Article I- Name, Purpose & Authority

The name of the organization shall be the South Alabama Pagan Student Association.

This organization will have as its purpose, the fellowship of those who do not follow what may be considered mainstream religions, religious practices and education to those who would like to learn about alternative religions and spreading awareness of these religions.

Article II- Membership

All students enrolled in the University of South Alabama are eligible for membership.

A) officers may range from those with knowledge and experience of Pagan religious practices, but this Club is also open to those who are curious and would like to learn more about them. That being said, all officers are expected to show a positive and open minded attitude at all times. Religious debates and arguments are strictly forbidden and will be dealt with in response by the Club officers with punishment up to and including dismissal from the Club

  • officers may come from many different backgrounds be they religious, ethnic, political, sexual, or any other not mentioned here. Discrimination based off one's background will not be tolerated. Any account of discrimination should be immediately reported to a member of the Club officers be dealt with promptly.

B) All officers are required to attend regularly (missing no more than two meetings per month) and are suggested to attend all special meetings if possible.

C) In order to keep Active officership, a member must attend the meetings, pay their dues in a timely manner, and act in a manner that gives a positive representation of the Club the University. All officers are representatives and should act in a positive manner at all times, not just in the Club.

Article IV- Club Officers

The Club Officers shall consist of the following:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary

Article V- Duties

The Club President will have the following duties:
  • To preside over meetings of the Club.
  • To call special meetings of the Club.
  • To plan and prepare an agenda for the Club meetings.
  • To lead any religious services.

The Club Vice-President will have the following duties:
  • To serve as the Club President if the President becomes unable to fulfill his or her duties either temporarily or permanently.
  • To support the Club President to the best of the VP’s judgment.

The Club Treasurer will have the following duties:
  • To maintain a complete and accurate record of all Club receipts and disbursements.
  • To oversee Club fund-raising efforts.
  • To supervise the preparation of the Club budget.

The Club Secretary will have the following duties:
  • To maintain accurate minutes of each Club meeting
  • To carry out all correspondence for the Club.

Article VI- Elections

The Club will hold elections for officers once every year. The voting will take place by secret ballot.
A) Requirements for Nominees
Officers are to be nominated by Club members. Current officers are allowed to be nominated for their same positions but not by themselves. All nominees must be Active Club Members and must show knowledge and intelligence to hold their position if elected.
B) Voting
Officers shall not be allowed to vote for themselves. All members reserve the right not to vote. All voting shall be done through secret ballot and will be tallied by the current Club Secretary.
If any Club officer cannot fulfill their duties, or are deemed unfit for their position, they may be impeached by no less than a two-thirds majority vote by the Club Members including the officers. The officer in question is not permitted to take place in this vote and the vote shall be held through secret ballot.

Article VII- Meetings

A) Frequency of Meetings.
Meetings shall be held once a week for every week classes are in session at a day and time chosen by the members so to be most convenient for all members.
B) Nature of the Meetings.
1.) Meetings will begin by reading the minutes from the previous meeting followed by current and upcoming events. After this, any concerns, comments, or amendments may be brought up.
2.) After the meeting, a short religious activity will take place but attendance for this is not required.

Article VIII- Proposed Activities
A) Annual Events
Special meetings will be held in accordance to traditional festivals and rituals.
B) Fund Raising
Fund-raising events will be held as often as possible and practical.
C) County and Campus Beautification projects
County and Campus Beautification projects should be held at least once a semester.
D) Charity Projects

Article IX- Financial Plans
A) Dues
All members, including officers, are required to pay the annual due of $10 within the first month of membership. Members who do not pay their dues will lose Active Membership status and will not be allowed to attend special events that the Club attends.

B) Dissolution
In the event that the Club is disbanded or dissolved, the remainder of the Club funds should be divided among the current officers to be donated to another student organization of their choosing. None of the Club funding is to be kept or spent on personal purchases. Any property purchased by Club funding will be labeled as Club purchased and will be donated to any member that wants it. If more than one person desires a piece of Club purchased property, a name will be drawn from a hat to determine the new owner of the property.
C) Use of Club Funding
Club funding is to go to purchases that are directly related to the Club. These may include, but are not limited to:
Club Trips, fund-raising supplies, etc..

Article X- Amendments

A two-thirds majority vote of the members in attendance is required to amend this constitution.