Thursday, July 1, 2010

Summer meeting for Monday, July 5th! Lynn will be back and hosting this meeting, which will be about herbs in relation to all things Pagan. We will be discussing a wide range of different herbs, their properties, as well as things you can use them for! If you have a favorite herb feel free to bring it, and discuss the things you have used them for.

The Festival of Anubis


Wednesday, July 7, 2010 at 6:00pm
Student Center main lobby.

 The Festival of Anubis, going forth to every necropolis, is a modern festival celebrated by those who reconstruct the ancient Egyptian faith. It is a celebration of our ancestors and our loved ones who have passed away, as Anubis is a God of the Dead. On this day Anubis is said to visit every necropolis (cemetary) in the world, where he picks up letters from the necropolis, and is said to deliver them to the dead in the underworld. We will be making offerings for the God Anubis, as well as writing letters to our ancestors or to our recently passed away loved ones, which will then be delivered to a local cemetary.